Facebook relationships Facebook Relationship Do’s and Don’ts FDating

Facebook relationships
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 About Facebook Relationships
In this digital age, we feel the need to let everyone in on our entire lives. Whether it’s tweeting about our favorite TV shows, instagramming our lunch or planning our wedding on Pinterest, very little is left out of social media. One particularly troubling aspect of social networking is the Facebook relationship. We live in an era where we don’t consider a relationship legitimate unless it’s FBO: Facebook Official. As if we didn’t have enough trouble maintaining a relationship in person, we now have to balance that with our online one. Here are a few tips to hopefully relieve some of the stresses that come along with being FBO.

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 Establish exclusivity in person
DO Talk About It

Establish exclusivity in person before you ask him to be in a relationship of Facebook. Save yourself the embarrassment of presuming that he’s your boyfriend if you guys haven’t actually discussed it before. Once you decide you’re in a real relationship, ask him if he’s comfortable sharing it on Facebook. Some people aren’t comfortable revealing their personal lives on social media and you have to respect that.

DON’T Vent Your Frustrations Online
Your second cousin or that one girl you met at a party that one time don’t need to hear about your relationship problems. It makes people uncomfortable when you post statuses about how he cheated or how he’s not calling you back. Your issues are just that: yours. There’s no need to share them with the entire internet.

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 Be Careful about privacy
DO Pick and Choose the Pictures You Post
When posting pictures from you and your guy’s latest hiking adventure, be careful about which ones you choose. Of course, feel free to post the cutesy photos that make all of your Facebook friends jealous of your great relationship. But no one wants to see you two making out. Flooding newsfeeds with pictures of you guys canoodling will ultimately result in you getting blocked.

DON’T Constantly Post on Each Other’s Walls

We get it. You love each other. Do you need to remind us every day by writing corny messages on each other’s walls? Either text them about how much you miss and love them or, even better, just go talk to them in person. If Facebook is your main means of communication with your beau, you may want to take a good, hard look at your relationship.

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